Mettiamo a disposizione in questa pagina i link ad alcune interessanti interviste a professionisti esperti nel settore della dieta plant-based, in inglese e in italiano, che spaziano su diversi argomenti legati alla salute e al suo legame con l'alimentazione.

Tutti i video sono realizzati dal team di VeggieChannel.

Heart Disease - Dr. Hans Diehl
In this video for Veggie Channel Dr. Hans Diehl explains that heart disease is totally preventable and largely reversible. In his renowned 4-week CHIP lifestyle intervention program Dr. Diehl goes beyond treating the symptoms of heart disease.

Atherosclerosis - Dr. Hans Diehl
In this video, Dr. Hans Diehl, the Clinical director of the CHIP program, explains clearly during an interview with Veggie Channel what heart disease is and how it is directly related to atherosclerosis.

Western diet - Dr. Hans Diehl
In this video clip, Dr. Diehl during an interview for Veggie Channel will show the impact of the Western Diet on arterial health and with that on the body's organs.

The Framingham Study - Dr. Hans Diehl
While the rates of heart disease went down in Europe during World War 2, the rates continued to climb in North America. During those war years, occupied countries in Europe were deprived of their usual customary diet which included ample provisions of refined food as well as animal products, such as meat, poultry, cheese and sausages. With those dietary changes, these occupied countries living on a spartan diet within a year showed significant and often dramatic decreases in the rates of chronic disease, such as heart disease, diabetes.

Health or Taste? - Dr. Hans Diehl
In this video, Dr. Hans Diehl, the Clinical director of the CHIP program explains what the science has descovered from World War II, in the field of nutrition. In that period, in which people were forced to eat very simple food, the cronic diseases were much lower than in the future when a lot of food became available.

Nutrition label - Dr. Hans Diehl
Dr. Hans Diehl is the Clinical director of the CHIP program. In this video he explains why, on certain products, we find a "nutrition label". What is it for? He recomands a diet that doesn't need nutrition lables...

Safety label - Dr. Hans Diehl
Dr. Hans Diehl is the Clinical director of the CHIP program. In this video he explains why, on certain products, we find a "safety label". What is the need for it? He recomands a diet that doesn't need nutrition labels nor safety labels.

How to lose weight successfully - Dr. Hans Diehl
In this video Dr. Hans Diehl gives averybody the best possible nutritional advice to all people that whish to succesfully lose wheigh and gain the best health.

The incredible story of Verna Van Nuland - Dr. Hans Diehl
Dr Hans Diehl, presents the incredible story of Verna Van Nuland. She is now a new woman. "...before, I didn't want to live because I was too sick and now I feel fabulous...".

The story of Nancy Gable - Dr. Hans Diehl
This is the result you can obtain with the CHIP program. It is a 4 week program with 40 hours of instruction to help people. CHIP is a coornary health improvement project headed by Dr. Hans Diehl. This is the story of Nancy Gable and her husband. Meet Nancy, you will be amazed!